Dangerous Typography
Dangerous Typography
For this project, I was inspired by a song I heard in a rhythm game: Dangerous by LEFT BOY. It resamples the Oliver remix of the classic song "Dangerous (feat. Joywave)" by Big Data. As the song starts with the original Big Data lyrics, I wanted to make it seem like an auto generated boring lyric video, and surprise the viewer with bold dynamic compositions when the rap starts.
Font: Helvetica
Font: Helvetica
Font: Staatliches
Font: Staatliches
Animation Test
For the convenience of a true 3D camera which would be more tedious in After Effects, I used Blender to animate everything. I kept it black and white like the concept but added bloom for extra impact.
Final Result
Final Result
With the successful animation test I extended it to 1 minute and animated some words for extra emphasis.