AmericanMovieCompany LED Wall

For my first MOME206 project, I made this animation for the company AmericanMovieCompany, to promote their LED wall, information found on their website. In their reupload, they changed the ending to include their logo.

The concept was to show how much creativity and imagination could be unleashed with the LED wall. The liquid spheres symbolize the power and creativity of each pixel, the cube filled environment shows how the LED wall can effectively take you to many different places, and the globe represents how impactful productions with the LED wall could be.



With some extra drawn storyboards to represent spheres filling up and more cube filled environments, this was my original plan. Despite producing the music myself quickly, I wasn't too satisfied.

Rough Cut

I re-simulated the fluid simulation for higher quality and animated the colorful ball grid with Blender's Geometry Nodes. The unmoving grid of fluid spheres is made with an infinitely reflecting set of mirrors to save on geometry of rendering hundreds of high poly fluid simulations.

Final result

The final scene with the globe is made of a single long curve with the start and end animated. I also made new music that fit my original idea closer.